How to water your Sod in West Bloomfield Michigan - Odd Jobs Landscape & Pavers | Brick Pavers, Retaining Walls and Outdoor Kitchens - Landscape Design
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How to water your Sod in West Bloomfield Michigan

The weather in Michigan is unpredictable. It’s raining one minute, then sunny the next. It’s important to keep your sod moist and healthy, but you don’t want to overdo it.

Down below

The short roots of the turf carry both water and oxygen to the grass. This is how grass grows. If the Sod is overwatered the root system doesn’t have space to take in what it needs to grow. Without access to the oxygen it needs to grow, it dies. 

Keeping your lawn well-watered is very important for keeping weeds away. That’s always been true. A well-kept lawn it’s so pleasing to the eye, don’t you agree? Now, overwatering your lawn is a different story. It’s not good at all. You will end up with a lawn infested with tiny weeds. And If you like a clean Lawn, then be extra careful not to overwater your sod. 

Take care of Your Grass 

The whole purpose of watering our lawns is to make sure that it grows to the fullest. If you think that there’s no such thing as overwatering a lawn, I hope you are reconsidering the thought.

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