Rain, Rain, Go Away? - Odd Jobs Landscape & Pavers | Brick Pavers, Retaining Walls and Outdoor Kitchens - Landscape Design

Rain, Rain, Go Away?

We’ve had a wetter Spring than usual. There’s no doubt about it. If you’re in West Bloomfield, Farmington, or anywhere nearby, you’ve been a victim to the rainy weather. 

It feels like we experience rain day and night, at home or at work. When will it stop? For the last few weeks, the weather has been the opposite of what we’d expect in the Springtime. But there’s a catch. If you know how to use a mulch to take advantage of the rain and prepare your landscape for the summer, the rain won’t seem so bad after all. 

Some of our customers call it a sloppy Spring, others describe it as an extended winter. And we agree. The best of the Springtime has yet to come, but it is near. Very near.

Rain, Rain, Maybe Stay?

If you know what mulch is and why it’s a must-have, keep reading. In this heavy rain season, mulch is your garden/yards best friend. Seriously! Mulch is here to help. It soaks up the heavy rainfall and holds the moisture so that plants, trees, and bushes have water to survive in the blazing summer months.

In recent years, since 2022, we’ve been using triple shredded mulch. We prefer it for the following reasons:

  1. Locks together well to prevent sun and air from reaching weeds
  2. It looks better and has fewer gaps
  3. Supplies organic materials to the soil and biodegrades well

Here’s a project where we used triple-shredded mulch!

I recommend that homeowners be proactive about installing mulch. Doing it earlier is better. As for our customers, those who installed mulch early this Spring, they know that their gift is coming in due time. By June their soil will repay them with an array of yellow, pink, and purple plants, healthy bushes and no weeds in sight.

Yes, it has been raining recently. However in the summer months, there will be less rain, so take action while it is here. Now is the opportunity to act in the rain we’ve had. The small act of laying new mulch can reduce your water bill and revive both your garden and yard at once. And now that you know better now, I expect you to do better too! Install mulch today and you can save money and get the garden or yard that you’ll be happy to come home to.

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